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Selected articles in recent 3 years

  1. Xiakun Chu and Jin Wang*. Quantifying the large-scale chromosome structural dynamics during the mitosis-to-G1 phase transition of cell cycle. Open Biology, 13(11), 230175, 2023
  2. Cibo Feng, Jin Wang* and Xiakun Chu*. Large-scale data-driven and physics-based models offer insights into the relationships among the structures, dynamics, and functions of the chromosomes. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, mjad042, 2023
  3. Xiakun Chu and Jin Wang*. Insights into the cell fate decision-making processes from chromosome structural reorganizations. Biophysics Reviews, 3(4), 041402, 2022
  4. Xiakun Chu and Jin Wang*. Quantifying chromosome structural reorganizations during the differentiation, reprogramming and transdifferentiation. Physical Review Letters, 129(6), 068102, 2022
  5. Jing Huang+, Xiakun Chu+ (co-first), Yuxiang Luo+, Yong Wang, Ying Zhang, Yu Zhang, and Huilin Li∗. Insights into phosphorylation induced protein allostery and conformational dynamics of Glycogen Phosphorylase via integrative structural mass spectrometry and in silico modeling. ACS Chemical Biology, 17(7), 1951-1962, 2022
  6. Xiakun Chu, Zucai Suo and Jin Wang*. Investigating the conformational dynamics of a Y-family DNA polymerase during its folding and binding to DNA and a nucleotide. JACS Au, 2(2), 341-356, 2022.
  7. Xiakun Chu and Jin Wang*. Dynamics and pathways of chromosome structural organizations during cell transdifferentiation. JACS Au, 2(1), 116-127, 2022.
  8. Xiakun Chu and Jin Wang*. Deciphering the molecular mechanism of the cancer formation by chromosome structural dynamics. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(11), e1009596, 2021.
  9. Qing-Miao Nie, Li-Zhen Sun, Hai-Bin Li, Xiakun Chu∗ (co-corr) and Jin Wang*. Effects of electrostatic interactions on global folding and local conformational dynamics of a multidomain Y-family DNA polymerase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(37), 20841-20847, 2021.
  10. Xiakun Chu, Zucai Suo and Jin Wang*. Investigating the trade-off between folding and function in a multidomain Y-family DNA polymerase. eLife, 9, e60434, 2020.
  11. Xiakun Chu and Jin Wang*. Microscopic chromosomal structural and dynamical origin of cell differentiation and reprogramming. Advanced Science, 7(20) 2001572, 2020.
  12. Xiakun Chu and Jin Wang*. Conformational state switching and pathways of chromosome dynamics in cell cycle. Applied Physics Reviews, 7(3), 031403, 2020.
  13. Xiakun Chu, Zucai Suo and Jin Wang*. Confinement and crowding effects on folding of a multidomain Y-Family DNA polymerase. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 16(2), 1319–1332, 2020.